Tierra Magnífica Hotel in Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Contact Us
When you come to a fork in the road, Take it.
- Yogi Berra

Contact & Location

Get in touch with our Nosara boutique hotel

Situated in one of the 5 Blue Zones, the Nicoya Peninsula, and the tranquil rainforest overlooking the bustling beach community of Playa Guiones, Tierra Magnifica is minutes from the heart of Nosara and its renowned beaches, surf breaks, boutique shops and popular dining spots.


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Tierra Magnífica

Proyecto Americano Las Huacas, Lote EE90
Provincia de Guanacaste,
Nicoya, 50206
Nosara, Costa Rica

Toll free +1 800 600-0881
Local +506 8948 4835